Felipe González
Senior Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London
Ph.D. Economics UC Berkeley
Research areas: Political Economy, Economic History, Public Policy
Media Writing
How Paraguay's dictator turned infrastructure into a tool for repression
VoxDev, 2024.
Unintended consequences: How Pinochet's policies empowered Chilean women
IZA World of Labor, 2024.
The economics of the public option and the impact of public pharmacies in Chile
Nada Es Gratis, 2024.
Police violence and protests
Nada Es Gratis, 2022.
Popular gas?
La Tercera, 2021.
Privatisation reforms can create political corporations
LSE Business Review, 2021.
What history can teach us about railroads in Chile
El Mercurio, 2020.
Pinochet's Chile shows that repression can spell the end for dictators
LSE Latin America and Caribbean, 2018.
Why did the NO win? The history behind the history
CIPER, 2018.
Mob mentality: The critical mass of networked protests
Vox Dev, 2018.
Distorted signals in education
Vox LACEA, 2018.
What happened in the runoff?
La Tercera, 2017.
Protesting for change: the student movement in Chile
Vox LACEA, 2017.
Causes and consequences of the agrarian reform
La Tercera, 2017.
Selected Media Coverage
Study reveals how the contraction of higher education during dictatorship increased mortality
El Mostrador, 2024.
Why Chile Offers a Blueprint for Affordable Healthcare Solutions
Columbia Business School (Research Brief), 2024.
Expanding public options
AEA Research Highlights, 2024.
Dictatorship and higher education in Chile
Becker Friedman Institute (Research Brief), 2023.
Will not be the same across men and women: When will the pandemic end?
La Tercera, 2023.
Annual report of the council of economic advisers
Economic report of the US President, 2023.
Pinochet's economic policy is vastly overrated
Noahpinion, 2022.
Public pharmacies are effective in decreasing prices of pharmaceuticals
Diario Financiero, 2022.
The role of activism in protecting civil rights
Harvard Kennedy School, 2022.
COVID vaccines incentivized participation in the May election
Diario Financiero, 2021.
Users of public pharmacies save up to 150 USD per year
Las Últimas Noticias, 2021.
Who won and who lost from public pharmacies
Pauta, 2021.
The market effect of public pharmacies
The Clinic, 2021.
Protest to be heard
Contrafactual, 2019.
Rising temperatures linked to increased suicide rates
The Guardian, 2018.
A New Study Links Rising Temperatures to an Increased Risk of Suicide
Time, 2018.
Climate change study ties warming temperatures to rising suicide risk
CNN, 2018.
Climate Change May Cause 26,000 More U.S. Suicides by 2050
The Atlantic, 2018.
Repression and vote
Contrafactual, 2018.
Television and the 1988 plebiscite
Qué Pasa, 2017.
Television and Podcasts